Speaker presentations 2017
LIVEXchange 2017: Taking Innovation, change & animal welfare improvements to the world.
The full LIVEXchange 2017 Program can be viewed here. Video recordings of all the presentations, and slides where available, can be viewed below (headings are links).
Day 1, MLA and LiveCorp Producer Briefing Forum
- Forum Welcome
- Harold Sealy, Forum MC
- Introduction to the Forum and overview of the Livestock Export Program (LEP)
- Richard Norton – MLA, Managing Director, PRESENTATION
- A market outlook – supply and demand drivers impacting Australian livestock
- Tim Ryan, MLA Analyst, PRESENTATION
- The Red Meat Partnership – Understanding the objectives and outcomes of the Partnership, PRESENTATION
- Ms Louise van Meurs – Co-Chair of the Red Meat Partnership (RMP)
- Dr Himawan Hariyoga – Co-Chair of the Red Meat Partnership (RMP)
- Working with the 5:1 and 10:1 rule – how do we identify the right small holder co-operative to work with?
- Dick Slaney – Indonesia-Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding Program,
- Panel, The Red Meat Partnership – achievements of the early harvest phase, where are the best opportunities to influence? What can we learn in terms of future funding models of this magnitude?
- Ms Louise van Meurs – Co-Chair of the Red Meat Partnership (RMP)
- Dr Himawan Hariyoga – Co-Chair of the Red Meat Partnership (RMP)
- Mr Ken Warriner AM – Australian industry member
- Mr Dicky Adiwoso – Indonesian industry member
- Livestock handling and inanition – exploring the possibilities
- Dr Kevin Sullivan, Bell Vet Services, PRESENTATION
- Co-regulation – what could it mean and what questions should industry be asking?
- Wayne Collier, LiveCorp, Industry Sustainability Manager, PRESENTATION
- Touring the Gulf and looking to the future, a discussion / de-brief of a Middle East tour undertaken by (PHOTOS):
- Dr Kat Giles, Sheep Producers Australia, CEO,
- Jeff Murray, Sheep Producers Australia, President
- Dr David Beatty, MLA, former International Business Manager for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
- Life on board a livestock vessel Q&A with on-board AAVs and stock people, PHOTOS
- Renee Willis, AAV
- Holly Ludeman, AAV
- Richard Leitch, Stockperson
- Ben Gilblett, Stockperson
Day 1, Taking stock: (business) adaptability – (industry) sustainability – (community) accountability
- Welcome Address
- David Galvin, Chairman, LiveCorp
- Ministerial Address
- Alannah MacTiernan MLC, Minister for Regional Development, Agriculture and Food; Minister Assisting the Minister for State Development, Jobs and Trade
- Keynote address – Taking stock:
- David Lock, Managing Director, Mareterram Limited, PRESENTATION
Business adaptability – insights, relations and confidence
- Australia and Asia: improved relations, enhanced business confidence
- Greg Sheridan, Foreign Affairs Editor, The Australian
- Consumer insights – understanding the major influences of food choice and consumption
- Sarah Hyland, Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology – Industry Services, PRESENTATION
- Insights Into Ag Investment – trends in global capital attraction to agribusiness
- Jennifer Wainwright, Director, Auxventure, PRESENTATION
- Indonesia to China – understanding the changing protein dynamics
- Troy Setter, CEO, Consolidated Pastoral Company, PRESENTATION
- Taking stock – lessons learnt from the live cattle trade to China
- Cameron Hall, Independent Consultant, Food and Agribusiness Services Group, PRESENTATION
Day 2, Taking stock: (business) adaptability – (industry) sustainability – (community) accountability
- Conference introduction
- Hon. Simon Crean, ALEC, Chairman
- Ministerial Address
- Lisa Chester MP, Shadow Assistant Minister for Workplace Relations ad Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional and Regional Australia
- Keynote address: Adapting Australian businesses to succeed in China
- Geoff Raby, CEO, Geoff Raby & Associates
Industry sustainability
- Islamic law and halal slaughter
- Professor Kirsten Stilt, Harvard University, PRESENTATION
- From zero to hero – a fishing industry journey in pursuit of sustainability and social licence
- David Carter, CEO, Austral Fisheries, PRESENTATION
- From 40 million to 14 million – where to for the WA sheep industry? What would it take to turn the ‘production’ tide?
- Kimbal Curtis, Director, Livestock Dynamics, PRESENTATION
- Practicalities of unblocking supply chains to create efficiencies and reduce vulnerability
- Dr Chris Chilcott, Research Leader for the Northern Territory, CSIRO, PRESENTATION
- Panel, Meeting the market – the intersection of price and consumer expectations, what value does Australia present?
- Michael Finucan, General Manager International Markets, MLA
- Steve Meerwald, CEO Harmony Agriculture and Food Company
- Graham Davis, Managing Director, Emanuel Exports
- Ministerial address
- Luke Hartsuyker, Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister
Technology, tracking and traceability
- Compliance technologies – business adaptability and growth potential
- Paul Molenaar, Director, Compliance Experts, PRESENTATION
- Precision livestock farming and monitoring – what is its relevance to livestock exports?
- Dr Tomas Norton, KU Leuven, Division of Animal and Human Heath Engineering, PRESENTATION
- Tracking and traceability – emerging and disruptive technologies and how they could be applied within export supply chains
- Professor Ren Ping Liu, Head of Discipline, Network and Cyber Security at the School of Electrical and Data Engineering, University of Technology, PRESENTATION
Community and accountability
(Videos for this session are unavailable due to technical difficulties)
- Greyhounds: working with the RSPCA can be successful – incremental improvement is the reality
- Steve Coleman, CEO , RSPCA NSW
- Agricultural activism in modern politics and media
- Colin Bettles, Canberra Bureau Chief, Fairfax Agricultural Media, PRESENTATION
- Panel, Community expectations and accountability – what is reasonable and meaningful
- Colin Bettles, Canberra Bureau Chief, Fairfax Agricultural Media, PRESENTATION
- Cameron Morse, MD, FTI Consulting
- Simon Westaway, CEO, ALEC